welcome to the local digital project lightning talks this is the last of the local digital collaboration units events 0:06 this week the digital leaders um ugly would you by skipping slides for 0:12 me thank you i've got two of the same um i'm sam i work in the local digital collaboration 0:18 unit i'm a collaboration manager so that means i work with our funded projects and support them to 0:24 deliver um some of the great work that they're doing out there in local government uh not taking credit for it i i sort of 0:30 mostly sit and watch and help where i can um and ugly uh he's joining me and is um kind of doing 0:37 some of the administration and charlotte who are here as well they're both in our team too and working with local government uh 0:44 next slide please thank you so um first things to say is that we are recording this session 0:50 today so if you don't want to appear on the video at all um i would recommend that you turn your 0:56 video off uh so that you're not included in there and also please just for the sake of our speakers today 1:02 make sure that you're muted during the session so that there's no sort of background noise that puts them 1:08 off or anything like that and then finally any q a because we've 1:13 got several different speakers and only a limited amount of time q a um will be via the chat so if you 1:18 have any questions for our speakers um please pop them into the chat and somebody will pick it up and 1:24 get back to you there are several different people from the project teams here so you should hear back 1:29 um when they have the opportunity and next slide please so our agenda for today 1:37 like i said we've got a really packed uh agenda um and we're going to be um hearing from 1:43 some of our projects that we funded as part of our kovid 19 funded route funding round 1:48 um first up is will from our local girls drupal project and then we've got eddie and becky from 1:55 the future work design project glenn from the income management system project fraser 2:00 from housing repairs sarah's going to be presenting for the digital inclusion toolkit project with jason i think is 2:07 answering some questions in the chat and now we'll just close so hopefully that will be a good 2:12 well packed hour of your time and hopefully well spent um next slide please so a little bit 2:18 about us in the local digital collaboration unit in case you don't know you might not know um we do uh three different things we 2:26 have the local digital declaration which is like an aspirational uh way of working that we ask local 2:33 authorities to work with us on and it basically describes the ways that we think that digital technology 2:39 and service projects should be run in local government and we help councils to to work in those ways um the next one 2:49 thank you ugly so we currently have uh 223 councils signed up uh and this map 2:55 gives you uh an overview of where those where those councils and organizations are so we've got good coverage 3:01 around the country at the moment which is lovely um next slide please oh yeah and um last year as part of 3:09 um covered 19 response and kind of working out how on earth to meet the 3:15 challenge of local government within uh token 19 we ran the c19 challenge 3:21 and funded a number of projects so some of the projects you will be hearing from today uh are um responses to that 3:29 and and supporting local authorities through that uh i wanted to say pandem uh crisis but i 3:35 think pandemic is is probably better terminology so um without further ado 3:40 i'm going to pass over to will uh to talk a little bit more about the local gap drupal project 3:46 ugly do you want to stop sharing and then wilkin who can drive himself is that okay 3:53 yes i will drive myself 3:58 which i will try to drive myself hello everyone thank you sam for that that great introduction uh we're local of drupal and i'm will 4:05 callahan i'm the project lead i might tell you more about the cat later if you're interested um before we in fact i think 4:14 i've skipped through a few sides sorry before we start sort of telling you about what we're doing now i thought i'd give you a 4:20 little bit of history if you've been to one of these talks before you've probably heard some of this stuff so apologies 4:25 but there might be new people who've not really heard where we've come from why we're here um and the problem you if you're in 4:31 local government you'll know about this already there's there's 400 odd uk councils they all need 4:37 gov main websites and there's a lot of money in time and effort and expertise 4:43 spending you know money every three to five years to rebuild these things um and using these are similar or the 4:50 same the technology might change but the needs are very similar as time goes on the councils aren't really swapping 4:56 notes or collaborating overly um i mean from my own point of view i generally have a bill murray slide here 5:02 because for me it feels like groundhog day i've built seven of these things all together and i just feel like i'm sort of 5:07 reinventing the wheel constantly um i think the story goes back further 5:13 than 2019 but i guess the there are lots of talented colleagues in brighton and elsewhere that really 5:18 helped us get started but i guess the start of the project proper was was that this 5:23 this article and the agreement that croydon and brighton hove councils made 5:28 to basically stop reinventing the wheel croydon said you've got a really good publishing platform uh right 5:34 and we want to start using that and it's the credit to some of the people on this photo so the product 5:39 manager tom steele and colleagues that we got on and did that i think it wouldn't have been possible 5:45 without the local digital uh digital declaration which sam mentioned so bro brighton and croydon have signed 5:51 it and many other people have signed it but in that it talks about reuse of technology rather than reinventing the 5:57 wheel and we're really able to lean into that and talk to our colleagues about why that's really important and they 6:02 accepted it they went for it um sam didn't mention the local digital fund but i mean that's played a critical 6:08 part part in our work we're able to go to a fund and say we are using some code already we 6:14 sharing code can you help us grow this can you help us explore whether other councils want to do it too 6:20 and the little badge for the discovery work that we did um you know it was kind 6:26 of the start of that um do councils really want to work together and we found that they did 6:32 uh fast forward to today there are 12 councils in our partnership 6:38 i guess right now um and they're all over the country uh there's a lot of london councils but 6:43 there's a lot of council sort of in other parts of the country as well um i'm based at cumbria county council 6:49 right now they've been a brilliant home for us they take this very seriously and we're supported by a lot of 6:55 suppliers in each of these different councils and the main project is supported by it by an oxford 7:01 based drupal agency called agile collective finn my colleague is in the chat if you want to ask any questions 7:07 so thanks for that finn what we're offering today and you can go and get this stuff today is a kit of drupal 7:13 parts that any council can download and create the website publishing platform you really need 7:19 um there's a slack community very active with 105 people in it right now um and you can get a test of 7:26 this running in 15 minutes i mean ultimately you want to do more work on it but you can try it in 15 minutes 7:31 and it's very easy for a developer to add new features to it uh benefits i mean we've found all sorts 7:38 of benefits there's reduced time and cost obviously particularly we're starting to explore 7:45 now around sort of microsites or satellite sites that we all have we think we're going to see a lot of savings there the fact that we 7:51 collaborate means we can build ones for everyone and we find that we're doing that more and more and we're learning from 7:58 each other a lot lots of tips and tricks that we all use and ways of working that we're sharing 8:03 um the content formats that we're producing they're based on good practice we we 8:09 look a lot of what wk is doing and elsewhere the work's all accessible it's responsive and we're seeing in call 8:16 centers where we're starting to measure this now that it's reducing failure demand so it's kind of win for everyone 8:23 um as i said we're in beta these are the things that we're looking at other things but these are the highlights 8:30 so we've got content lifecycle workflow type tools already but we want to do more with it we think 8:36 we can introduce scheduled publishing and better review links and better workflow so we're going through that now we have 8:42 almost like a mini product within local drupal called directories and 8:48 another clg project called open referral we're implementing that standard so you know proper data shareable 8:54 structured data which is great um we have a feature called subsite which is basically 9:00 you know make a microsite we're doing a lot more with that um we want to be able to sort of you 9:06 know to spin up site quickly give give the power to content designers and service designers and teams to do 9:11 this we're doing a lot more work on forms drupal web forms in drupal 9 which we're 9:17 all in is is really good it's a good starting point for this kind of work we're also thinking about what happens 9:23 long term you know maybe we're 20 councils or 30 councils and how do we manage this how do we how 9:29 do we sort of keep it all together and very happy to talk a bit more about that in the chat 9:35 we're also trying to develop tools that we can all share so this is you may well be familiar with this this is 9:40 the design council double diamond process it's been really useful for us how do we all design together 9:47 what common frame of reference do we have so things like that are great and we're not reinventing it it exists 9:53 it's useful we'll use it um the biggest problem that we have in beta i think 9:59 the challenges but i think this is the biggest is we've got 12 councils now they're all busy they've got their own priorities 10:05 how do we get them to collaborate meaningfully together and it it's handy that we've got there's 10:12 a we've got a lot in common already so even if councils aren't using scrum which is the left-hand side picture 10:19 at least they know about it and we can talk about the concepts within that and refer to them 10:24 also i mean this page on gov uk i think i've looked at it sort of twice a week now but what are the jobs what are the 10:31 skills that we all think we need what are the capabilities we need so even if you don't have a product manager in your 10:37 council you can talk about the kind of skills that that involves and we're all heading in this direction 10:42 and gathering more of these skills hiring more of these people we're also looking at um sort of concept 10:49 maybe outside of sort of digital land there's a really interesting thing called sociocracy which you know has 10:56 roots that go way back but it's about sort of um decentralizing 11:01 decision making there's a lot of us and our groups there's one group we have called the product group which is really 11:06 big it's got sort of 30 to 50 people that come along every month it's too big to make a decision 11:12 so what we're starting to do is is make working groups who want a better phrase so our product groups 11:19 and technical groups sit at the center where we we talk about bigger picture things and we give we give our work a 11:24 bit of direction but the decision making is made around the outside we had uh we're about to have a working 11:31 group for microsites or subsites for forms for front end and for back end and we're 11:36 pushing decisions out to the people who are best placed to make them giving them the time to make these decisions and that's proving really 11:42 interesting it's a model that we're going to sort of keep working on and use in the future 11:48 one final thing before i sign off we've got a survey right now and you can win john lewis vouchers so if you feel like 11:55 that and if you want to tell us more about how you do collaboration in your council how you use cms's how do 12:02 you make decisions about buying them we'd really love to hear from you and it will definitely help our work 12:08 so go to bitly lgd survey and you can tell us more fantastic please do get in touch if you 12:15 like what you see we're on twitter at localgooddrupal or you can reach us on email 12:20 and thank you for listening thank you so much will that's excellent 12:27 no no questions in the chat which might just mean that you've explained everything perfectly but if you do want 12:33 to chat to will and finn then just pop things in there and people will get back to you um next up 12:38 we have eddie and becky from the future work design project so eddie becky i'm not sure 12:43 which one of you is sharing your slides but crack crack on okay it's myself 12:50 so hopefully this is just this into presentation mode is that uh 12:56 does that come across can you see that okay yeah that's all working perfectly brilliant we'll crack on then 13:02 uh so thank you for inviting our team to present our project to future work design on this great 13:07 event today you have myself eddie nibblet the ict strategic business solutions 13:12 manager from the east riding of yorkshire council and becky coulton senior transformation officer from hall city council 13:19 our project team also includes specialist roles from microsoft university of hull north lincolnshire 13:25 council north east lincolnshire council and obviously support for our funders the ministry of housing communities and 13:30 local government uh so um background phase one 13:37 so kovid 19 there probably hasn't been such a significant uh change in working practices maybe 13:43 since the introduction of computers and although changes in the systems and processes of the last 18 months 13:49 have been planned and controlled by the organization and with such large-scale changes it's 13:55 important to understand the impact on staff themselves we need to understand the 14:00 experiences of staff what were the challenges and how have they overcome them or are they still challenges and 14:07 recognize and potentially adopt success where it's emerged holistically this will then all support the future 14:14 design of sustainable working practices that understands and takes into account the impact on staff 14:20 which is obviously the organization's most valuable resource so phase one of the project aim to 14:26 develop an evidence-based risk assessment tool the staff could easily complete but still provided us with enough data 14:33 that could be analyzed to provide us with a clear insight into the thoughts feelings and experiences of our staff to support 14:40 the evidence required to inform and shape strategies and management decisions 14:45 although focused on councils this has been shared with over half a million organizations 14:50 through hse and across three other countries i think it's romania sweden and italy 14:57 some of the initial responses we've received from staff that were captured in the white paper 15:02 included you know i'm sure everyone could refer to these there are too many meetings in diaries 15:08 meetings that would have been five minute conversations are now 30-minute meetings uh you worry you might have missed a 15:14 call or someone might wonder what you're doing while you're sat at home and they try to contact you and you're 15:20 not sat at your desk at that moment in time well i do seem to think i've lost some of my identity 15:26 i do need to go into the office occasionally to feel part of a face-to-face team and get a connection but there are some positives as well 15:32 that we need to take into account and work is more flexible uh working earlier means better evening 15:38 work life balance and you can deal with minor interruptions like deliveries 15:46 so phase two um it was the question was so after phase one the what now if the initial analysis of the responses 15:53 is indicating that staff are experiencing pressures due to the new remote working approach how do we 16:00 support them so the idea was to look what the four authorities already had in place 16:06 identify the best way to use the functionality and understand if it was actually effective or if we needed to 16:13 develop it further provide further training or change the way it was adopted 16:20 it was fantastic a real success to get microsoft on board and they didn't need a lot of persuading 16:26 as this is a challenge that's emerging from authorities across the country and there's been many 16:31 conversations already ongoing as to how we address this the the concept itself was to use my 16:37 analytics as a personal well-being intervention tool that gives staff the choice to use 16:43 various data sets that reflects their working practices 16:50 so like head said that um as part of the phase one we carried out some research and report 16:57 um was published and as part of that some of these challenges that came up 17:02 as part of that and as part of the stress risk assessment tool was that staff was experiencing was 17:08 back-to-back meetings and that was staff was finding that due to not traveling in between meetings 17:14 there was getting meetings booked back to by your team so it was more easier for people to go into the calendars 17:20 and book them back to back which is resulting in exhaustion the difficulty finding time to focus if 17:27 you're not having that time to have breaks in between your meetings you're not having that focused time to 17:33 actually do the doing breaks staff are not having sufficient breaks they're working later 17:39 they're working longer hours they're not switching off which again is resulting in brick in 17:45 britain um extreme but also that's really bad on both physical and mentally always 17:53 available so staff feeling like they have to be available all the time they're worried that because the system's showing that 17:58 they're they're away from the desk that they're not doing the work or that they don't answer a call that 18:04 the managers or colleagues might feel that they're not doing some work and then there's to do the decompression 18:11 tab as well and there's that tab where just in between meetings you just want to go huh you just want to breathe and you just 18:17 want to have time to relax and reflect and i think that's really important is that time in between 18:22 meetings to breathe and reflect because you want that time to talk about your problems or talk about the meeting 18:28 or time to be innovative and time to bounce ideas off your colleagues 18:33 so some of these were the key challenges that have been coming up through this research 18:41 so what's our approach the aim of this is to explore the efficacy of an 18:46 intervention that aims to nudge people towards a healthy way of working we know that i can't take it away but we 18:52 want something that's able to nudge it that can support staff's health and well-being so how we're going 18:58 to do this so we're going to train people in the use of one such intervention which we've already said is my analytics 19:05 and we're going to measure any impacts on feelings about work and well-being the process of this is 19:12 going to have 320 participants 160 of these this is across the far 19:17 local authorities 160 of these are going to be part of the intervention group they're the ones who are gonna carry out 19:23 the testing of my analytics during that eight week period then we've got 160 are part of the control group 19:30 the contrail group will not get access to my analytics it will only be the intervention group 19:36 we're going to train the intervention group in the use of my analytics and underpinning digital skills 19:41 throughout digital maturity we're going to then collect data about digital skills 19:46 personal characteristics stress and well-being and we're also going to carry out some pre-purse and daily diary 19:54 also the control group who aren't doing the my anyone getting changed on my analytics we'll still do a daily diary 20:00 too following that we're going to do focus groups to understand the experiences of the staff 20:10 so what do we have to achieve so as part of the well-being we really want to empower staff with a 20:16 simple tool that enables them to view current activities and it's to give them that choice to 20:22 make changes to the health and well-being it is only the staff members who get 20:27 access to this data so it's their choice whether they want to share this information with their managers 20:33 are part of their one-to-one rpg pr's because support with that health and well-being 20:38 want productivity so if staff feel less stress the more motivated this could result in 20:44 less sickness time not having rush not having to wish to do work more time to focus and what we said 20:52 earlier on in the side of them that focus time is really important if you've got more time to focus that quality of your work 20:58 and the productivity it's more beneficial for that this just doesn't benefit the 21:03 organization it benefits our staff and it also benefits importantly our residents as well 21:09 in terms of sustainability as we know from phase one our staff wants continue um with a 21:16 blended way of working but enable us to sustain this we need to really support our staff with their 21:22 health and well-being as we said the staff our own asset 21:30 so in terms of the intended outcomes we are able to turn on my analytics we've got the the four local 21:37 organizations the world not microsoft 365 but we don't want to do this yet we want to make sure it's the right tool 21:44 it does support staff and it does help with that well health and well-being to reduce the pressures that staff have experienced 21:51 that we know they're experiencing from phase one so some of this is around um my analysis is do people tend 21:58 to use it regularly if i do does it have any impact on the ways of working 22:03 if it does is there any relationship between working in healthy ways and levels of well-being 22:13 so thanks becky um so finally uh there is a potential phase three so 22:18 phase one was engaging with staff understanding their challenges and experiences phase two is a a 22:25 response to that so how do we support the staff and then hopefully we'll be looking at a phase three 22:31 um to look at culture change so it's okay the staff adopting change if the organization itself doesn't so if 22:38 you put in lunch breaks but the organization still expects that you'll accept meeting requests through that period 22:44 it's not going to embed so that's where we're hoping to take it next we do have quite an in-depth 22:50 website to support all this work it's got the phase one tools on there which are free to use for 22:55 everybody so please go on there you download them if you want or read the white paper there's a lot of interesting 23:01 information on there the link is there on this screen and obviously i believe it's going to be shared later 23:08 and thank you for taking the time to hear about our work thank you thank you eddie and becky that 23:16 was really really informative i really appreciate it um again really quiet in the chat everyone so 23:23 either you're just too shy or the speakers are too good but please feel free to add questions in 23:29 there um we are now going to go across to glenn um to talk to you about the income 23:35 management system lenny you were happy to um share your camera and um slides 23:41 indeed i am yes thank you hopefully everyone can see that 23:50 thank you very much thank you very much everybody um so my name is glenn conroy uh and i'm working for dorset council 23:57 and i'm going to talk a little bit about the income management system that we're working on um 24:03 people we're working with uh so uh we're partners with uh barnsley and huntington shearer as 24:10 well and obviously our uh uh mhdlg as well as uh uh support and funding the project as 24:16 well so that's what we look like um tony and richard are on the call as well so 24:22 please post any questions into the chat and hopefully they'll be able to uh answer any questions that you do have 24:29 so we'll move off that slide pretty quickly um so income management system ims what is 24:35 an income management system well we did a lot of work to try and work out what it is and it does lots of things 24:40 but ultimately it's everything and all things income so interfaces with uh various um software and 24:48 platforms that receive income it captures transactions and it also interfaces with um any 24:56 finance applications you might have or erps so there's lots of things there and 25:02 basically it serves as an engine as a hub to pull all those different things together 25:08 now we're starting in quite an unusual situation here where uh barnsley already developed a system 25:15 so you'd think that might mean okay we're done tick let's roll it out and essentially 25:20 that is where we are at um so barnsley have their system um and 25:25 richard kindly put a a message out to everybody saying hey we've got a system does anybody want 25:31 to share and there was lots of interest which was which was really good so um i think it sort of resonates with 25:37 a lot of what the local gov drupal project are doing as well so there's there's a lot of similarities 25:42 there so we produced a vision and our aim is 25:48 to offer an ims that provides value for money and is open by design um so as people may or may not know 25:55 um there's a couple of big players in the ims market um and a lot of authorities and 26:00 organizations use those big players um and i think it was just to an idea of trying to offer an 26:08 alternative to those big suppliers um in in with regards to an income management system 26:16 um so a lot of work's happened so far uh as i said including barnsley having already developed a system 26:22 but what else did we do so through discovery um we we talked to a lot of organizations 26:28 to test the hypothesis of you know is is this going to be something that people are interested is this something 26:34 we want to try and build this community of organizations using a system trying to give something um that they 26:40 can use and is going to provide value um so we tested that hypothesis and we gauged the amount of interest 26:46 and you'd be pleased to know that there was a lot of interest so that's good so that moved us on into alpha and some of the things we did 26:53 there we captured some more of the user journeys we tried to put a lot more detail around how this is going to work and how 26:58 this is going to happen we developed an indicative reference architecture as well 27:04 and we also uh looked at some of the support models that could work with this um and this is this is quite a big thing 27:11 in in some of the things that we are talking about so there's various different options that we have um as you can see 27:17 uh open source at one end of the spectrum where basically we say here's the code off you go and enjoy and at the other 27:24 end there's the option of a hosted and sas solution so basically an authority 27:29 could call upon a supplier to to implement and manage that system 27:35 on their behalf we also looked at the various personas of of uh different councils and 27:41 organizations that that may exist as well and basically it's stemmed along uh a spectrum of digital and i.t 27:48 capability from people that are completely self-sufficient to other organizations that that rely on 27:54 others to to support that for them so then on to beta which is where we find ourselves now so what's our plan 28:02 um well ultimately we decided that our initial focus is going to be on the 28:07 open source model so what do we need to do that well as we said barnsley have already 28:12 developed their their system so essentially we've termed the coin of 28:18 uh de-barnslifying the code um so we need to take out any other secrets in there and anything specific 28:24 and containerize it and basically make this uh a code base that we can publish um but 28:30 then we need to start building the community we need people to start actually picking this code up and start using it implementing it with their systems 28:36 integrating with their current systems with their finance systems their erps and start collecting the income and 28:44 managing those transactions so that's a lot of what we need to start doing that's our that's our objective right now but after 28:51 that we're going to start looking at the other uh the other end of the spectrum with a hosted solution so this is where we'll be working with 28:58 uh partners and engaging with partners and develop a supportive model 29:04 where people can then call upon those suppliers to say yeah i want to use it but i want you to do it 29:09 for me so that's kind of the idea there so again further building the community 29:14 so we're talking about the community a lot um and i thought it might be useful just to try and visualize what we're talking 29:20 about this community so essentially right in the middle you've got this code repository 29:26 and then that kind of splits so you've got that open source model that i've talked about where various organizations councils may pick 29:31 up that code repository and use it use it themselves and then on the other side of that 29:36 you've got the supported model where you've got suppliers but pick that up but the whole idea of the community and 29:42 this this is um very similar to the local gov drupal project as i said 29:47 um and we will be picking their brains so we'll um watch out for the emails coming through 29:52 we're going to be picking your brains um where we're going to be working out how we can build that community and how 29:57 we can make this work so ultimately yes there's there's going to be feature requests there's going to be changes that are needed 30:03 there's going to be legislative changes that are required there's going to have to be that level of governance again similar to what will 30:10 was talking about with the drupal project and how that is then managed and how that then feeds through and and 30:16 further field feeds the project and a product sorry um so yeah 30:23 open model um we're concentrating on that side um at the moment um and then later on 30:29 we'll look at the supported supported model side 30:34 and for the personas that we feel that um that would match um so the organization's councils that 30:40 would would match uh that model would be more towards the self-sufficient side of that digital and 30:46 it capability so um those personas has been in-house i.t or outsourced technology delivery but 30:53 um have have that control over what they're able to do so we're looking for you come talk to us 30:59 um how can you well there's our there's our information there local gov ims uh the the website there 31:06 local gov ims.digital and you can email us at hello localgov ims.digital 31:13 so thank you very much hopefully that was useful um 31:18 that's me thank you glenn that was amazing um 31:24 really lovely i i really really like that we've got two projects talking about 31:30 open source community building so good i live for this um and next up we have 31:36 fraser um who's going to be talking about our housing repairs online projects 31:42 fraser are you okay to share your screen i am indeed all being well i'm going to try the new 365 um 31:49 kind of picture in picture thing as well let's see how this goes am i going to be on the slides it's the 31:56 moment of truth doing something yeah there you are amazing okay 32:05 hopefully this is going to progress with everybody and with the way that i've shared it okay so yep repairs online digital fun 32:13 project sadly there's only a couple of partners left as we entering into this beta stage 32:19 which i'll come back to in a minute but if anybody wants to get involved please get in touch with me i've got my 32:24 twitter feed on there as well my role for this project is the product owner and i work with ct lincoln 32:30 council has that slide moved over on for everybody 32:37 yeah it's all good fraser cool thank you very much okay yeah so the problem that we're facing 32:43 here is that for anybody that or for any authorities that deal with council repairs will 32:48 know and that it's likely going to be your highest core volume reason and not just with people logging new 32:53 calls it's people chasing up finding out what's going on there's a lot of failure demand around this 33:00 and we have calculated that it's costing us over 30 million per annum in handling this 33:06 across our sector but we've also got lots of barriers to adoption from customers like lack of trust in our 33:12 digital services and the demographics that go alongside this so there's got lots of problems that we need to solve 33:19 this project and we started this process off we've already been through discovery 33:25 and alpha and then we spent a bit more time in a technical alpha trying to understand the well actually all of this is a great 33:32 idea we've got a real good comma service pattern in place now we understand our user needs 33:37 we've been following the agile rules but it's kind of what how do we actually make this become a reality 33:42 so we've spent time talking with some of the market leaders in terms of civica northgate capital drs total mobile 33:49 et cetera et cetera and we've had lots of authorities involved with us as we've been through 33:54 this so we started in 2019 with discovery and also in 2019 we went through alpha 34:01 and then it was just last year that we completed that technical alpha to think about well how do we make this 34:06 thing a real product for us we've been trying to work in the open as 34:12 much as we can do um for me certainly it's something kind of new and getting used to that but we've 34:17 set up a blog website i'm sure these uh slides will be shared out but the links are in here so you can kind of follow our story on 34:23 there we've got a youtube channel with the show and tells etcetera on there we're also trying to be engaging with 34:30 the kind of support sectors around this so we've reached out to tech uk had a session presentation with those 34:37 we've had a real good relationship with hacked and understanding how we can build upon their apis 34:42 and jem a colleague on here representing the thistle group from london councils so we're just trying to 34:49 reach out to as many people as we can and engage as much as as possible and obviously attend to things like today 34:57 so what we have been through is quite a journey so far we've had lots of user interviews over 80 people 35:04 we've spoken to over 500 000 lines of data gone through i've already mentioned some of the 35:10 suppliers that we've talked about you can read the rest of yourselves on there 35:16 um so what we have learned is that the current process that most councils have in place are designed around 35:22 our needs i i hear the council's needs and one thing that's been common across all 35:27 the partners we've worked with is our housing management system is at the core and center of all this 35:33 process which is kind of why it's designed around our needs to be honest 35:38 so what we're trying to do is challenge that look for that opportunity to disrupt the market think about is there actually a 35:45 better place that we can talk to in terms of creating that repair that leaves the customers with that all-important appointment time 35:54 and for the large part the customers that we've spoken to really don't want logins to go through this 36:00 process they see it as a barrier it's just another set of um usernames and passwords for them to remember 36:06 and as it's a really important subject for them they just want to be able to get on and do things quickly 36:13 and there is a lot of different systems across all of this as well although we all quite commonly use the 36:20 same few it seems that we've all somehow bought the different ones of every component 36:26 and are all on a slightly different version so we've gone through some uh 36:33 prototyping as mentioned earlier we've tested this with a large number of customers again the links on there you can click 36:39 on it take a look have a play with this happy for any feedback but this is built on those principles that were learnt in 36:45 discovery that customers don't want that login that actually using tech space instead of pictures is 36:52 a much better way for people to select the repairs on here and we're also 36:57 trying to enrich that reporting process so that customers can either submit videos 37:02 photos of that problem rather than trying to get the customer to just always tell us in sorr words if any 37:09 of you know that world how complicated that can be i mean one of the things that we did 37:14 find as well is that there's around 2000 sorrs in the schedule of rates between lincoln and 37:19 subway out of the top 100 so ours we use we shared five i mean just give you an idea on how each 37:27 council can set this up so differently 37:32 so what we're trying to do next is moving to our beta phase to build this thing we're just going 37:38 through our procurement process at the moment it's just closed the other day so we're just going to go through the short 37:44 listing hopefully we're going to get the project kick off in late july but the thing that we're really focusing 37:49 on here is that we're scrapping that building it around our needs or the council's needs and 37:55 we're going to trial building this integrating with the scheduling software because as far as the customer is concerned 38:01 it's that appointment date and time that's the important thing to them and it's the kind of assumption that we 38:06 have at the moment that that's the main reason that this isn't used where um authorities do have 38:12 a logging process in place at the moment because it goes into housing management system it seems to leave that bit of the 38:17 puzzle out of it and there's often a oh here's my repair and somebody calls you back and gives you an appointment date and time which 38:24 doesn't drive that kind of culture of a common contact point in there and so 38:29 we're hoping that we can get that digital contact as that first one leave the customers everything they need 38:35 and we're really going to be looking to leverage tours like gov notify throughout this so that we can keep the customers 38:41 informed and up-to-date of their repair process so yeah in summary we're going to be 38:48 hitting this phase one running with one software supplier in 38:53 that first instance hopefully in sandbox environment considering how we're going to build our common api out from there and build this 38:59 product out we'll be looking at phase two to expand that to the other authority partner that's 39:05 involved and consider how we actually get more sor type classifications built 39:11 in and make it configurable for customers uh for the council's picky pardon 39:17 and lastly it's about well actually how do we make this a reusable thing so this is a real big and important part 39:22 of the project and where we really need people off this course input to get involved with us 39:29 if you're interested in being a part of this later on down the line about how we can kind of share this package it up and get 39:36 people using it and take on the learning that we've gone through so far so if you do want to get involved 39:45 that was a slow transition um there is the website that link on there will take you to our contact form 39:51 or you just email me direct there's my twitter handle as well at the beginning but i've got to be honest i'm not very 39:58 good on twitter so i'd rather you email me uh but please feel free to reach out get in touch have a look at all the good 40:04 work that's gone on so far throughout this yeah drop us any questions if you do have any 40:11 thank you fraser and don't worry about not being great on twitter eggley and i are all over that for you 40:16 so that's all okay it's something 40:22 um last book by no means at least we've got sarah lyles from the um digital inclusion toolkit project 40:28 sarah are you okay to share yeah let's give it a go make sure this works 40:37 lovely you can see that wonderful all right hi my name's uh sarah lyles and i'm here 40:42 from lucy council along with uh jason tooten who's in the chat to answer some of your questions 40:47 uh to talk to you about the digital inclusion kit project which you can now find live online at 40:53 digitalinclusionkit.org so this is the second phase of this project uh the first page 41:00 phase was a lot of development and getting the site online as you can find it now 41:06 the partners in this project are the mhclg um lee city council 41:13 croydon council and tech resort and during the first phase of the project we also had help from age uk croydon 41:22 so this is an mhclg funded project and it was part of the local digital cnt and challenge fund 41:28 that sam mentioned earlier in response to the increased demand for digital services resulting from 41:34 the reduction in face-to-face contact due to the covered pandemic 41:41 so digital inclusion plays a vital role in ensuring that people who might be vulnerable and socially isolated are not further 41:48 disadvantaged by the restrictions imposed by the chronovirus and pandemic and this toolkit serves as a 41:53 how-to guide on strategies that can be used when tackling digital exclusion within our communities 42:01 drawing initially on the combined experiences and learnings of leeds and croydon councils this toolkit's a 42:07 shared resource for any council or organization where you can learn from others as well as contributing your own experiences 42:14 of presenting digital inclusion projects so digitalinclusionkit.org is a collaborative comprehensive online 42:20 resource for any organizations developing or delivering digital inclusion programs 42:27 it's for anyone who wants to increase digital inclusion in their area so local councils their sector organizations 42:32 the private sector health and care and any other organizations that we haven't thought of yet 42:39 current content online includes information on planning projects finding funding delivering digital 42:45 inclusion and helping to evaluate so here's some examples of content that's up on the site already 42:52 so here you might be needing to secure funding for projects or evaluate existing work that's going 42:57 on you might need help in offering socially distanced face-to-face 43:03 uh digital inclusion training or you might be struggling with where to 43:08 start setting up a digital inclusion project from the beginning so we have a page here on identifying users for digital support 43:15 and this is just a selection of the content that's currently online most of which was produced between the 43:21 current project partners so leeds croydon and tech resort 43:27 every page on the toolkit has a space for discussion questions and clarification so this is meant to be a collaborative 43:33 resource and it's meant to be a live project with people continually discussing and contributing 43:39 um we really want this to be the start of a conversation and a continually evolving resource to 43:45 make sure that it stays relevant to the communities uh the platform itself which we developed during phase one uh is 43:51 wordpress based and it's designed to be reused easy to install and hopefully will be useful to any other 43:58 organizations looking to produce similar content 44:03 so as i mentioned this is phase two of development and for it we've defined a set of objectives that we'd like to 44:09 achieve so first of all user research for the website design and development is key to 44:15 this phase we've begun this by developing some user profiles and beginning to set out 44:22 some surveys and focus groups that we'd like to run we want to ensure that diverse needs are accounted 44:28 for both in terms of the content that's on the site in terms of working with diverse communities but also 44:34 the accessibility we'd like to increase the number of organizations using the toolkit and also increase the number of 44:40 active contributors so again this is really key to the success of the project um that people 44:46 are not only using this as a resource to gather information but also contributing their experiences and 44:51 learnings to help it grow so as mentioned for this phase we're prioritizing user research 44:57 to direct the site development we're going to be reviewing how existing users navigate the site 45:03 we'll be showing site developments and new functionality to representative sample users feedback and prioritizing developments 45:09 that deliver the most useful information most effectively 45:15 so what's next for the project we're currently in the process of updating the site to improve browsability adding new 45:21 functions such as comment alerts and email subscriptions um and we really need help to continue 45:26 to research what works and what doesn't uh we're continually testing design formats and developing new functionality 45:32 and if this is something you'd like to be involved in do feel free to get in touch 45:38 so this isn't just about building a resource it's about building a community our vision for digital inclusion kit is 45:44 to develop an active and engaged community around the resource we encourage contributions from other councils and 45:49 organizations with digital inclusion experience to share uh so we many we know there's many 45:54 different groups out there currently tackling digital inclusion at all different levels across the country this is a resource both for you 46:00 to use and for you to add to current toolkit contents based on our 46:06 experiences so we know there are definitely still gaps in the content that's on there some gaps we know about for example none 46:12 of our current partners have much experience working with rural communities but there's also going to be gaps that we're not aware of 46:20 you can check out here we have a contributor guide on the website which gives guidelines on the sort of 46:25 content that we'd like to add and you can also contact us on our contact form at digital inclusion 46:32 kit to share your feedback your ideas for the toolkit and you can also sign up for updates 46:39 so thank you very much for listening so as i mentioned you can get in touch at digital inclusion kit.org contact or 46:45 we're also on twitter at digital inclusion kit 46:52 thank you sarah um amazing so we've managed to rattle through some 46:58 really really interesting um and like impactful projects 47:03 in the last like 50 minutes well done for everyone's keeping to time that was excellent work all of you 47:09 and eckley would you mind sharing the slides again from the i think it's from slidell 82 47:18 thank you lovely um so before we go and because there's time a little bit more of me um plugging 47:25 local digital uh if that's okay with you so um next slide please 47:31 so just to let you know that if you're working in local government we recently um launched uh online training offering 47:38 for council staff using futurelearn futurelearn as a platform has 47:44 loads and loads of different courses on there some of them are really really good for digital skills and capability building 47:50 we've created a library with some of those best some of the best courses on there um and you and your staff and your 47:57 colleagues people you work with can go on there and basically apply to do one of those courses and we'll pay for it for free 48:04 um just to clarify you can take the courses for free but they won't give you a certificate we'll pay for your 48:09 certificate so that you can go back to your organizations and tell them what good work you've done um and if you want to uh to apply for 48:16 some training you can go to this link local digital.gov uk forward slash training library 48:22 um which hopefully someone will plonk in the chat for me um and that will uh tell you all about it 48:28 uh we've recently also launched a kind of choose your own course so if there's something else that you want to do that we haven't included 48:34 in our library tell us about it we'd like to know what what it is you need and want to do 48:40 um next slide please so you can also follow all of our projects including the ones that you've heard 48:45 from today again on our website all of our projects we publish all of their outcomes and 48:51 outputs in the open so if there's something that you've heard today and you think i'd really like to read more on the user research 48:57 for that or i'd really like to know more about the platforms for that and how it works you can go to 49:03 localdigital.gov at uk funded projects uh search by projects 49:09 see what's on there and have a look at all of the brilliant work that they've done and given given back to the community 49:16 for reuse which is excellent and next slide please finally if you are interested in the 49:24 work of the local digital collaboration unit mhclg we publish um sprint notes on 49:29 medium every couple of weeks we send out newsletters every couple of weeks where we talk about our projects a bit more and tell you 49:36 what's going on and also uh tell you things that we might be launching and things that are coming up 49:41 so it's a good thing to do to sign up to that if you're interested in potentially applying to the fund or you've got any 49:47 questions about anything else we do oh well good luck um 49:54 and you can follow us on localdigital.gov to uk newsletter or you can find us on medium 49:59 say medium.com ldcu and next slide yeah that's 50:05 it that's all the messages so thank you so much for taking the time on a friday afternoon to 50:10 listen to us have a really good rest of your afternoon it's not quite 10 o'clock yet 50:16 but it nearly is so enjoy